Osteopathic Treatment for Migraines and Headaches

Sep 29, 2023 | 0 comments

Osteopathic Treatment for Migraines and Headaches

Migraines and headaches can be debilitating, causing immense pain and discomfort for those who suffer from them. Fortunately, there are various treatment options available to address these conditions. Osteopathic treatment, in particular, offers a holistic approach that focuses on treating the root cause of migraines and headaches rather than just alleviating the symptoms. In this article, I explore a few key osteopathic treatment options for migraines and headaches: craniosacral therapy, prescribed medications, manipulative therapy, myofascial release, and soft tissue massage.

Craniosacral Therapy

Craniosacral therapy is a therapeutic approach that utilizes gentle hand pressure to manipulate the bones, particularly in the head, in order to promote healing and balance in the body. This therapy was pioneered and developed by osteopathic physician John E. Upledger, who conducted extensive scientific studies from 1975 to 1983.

During a session, the practitioner uses light touch to evaluate and release any restrictions or imbalances in the craniosacral rhythm. This rhythm, which can be felt as a subtle pulsation, reflects the overall health and well-being of a person. The benefits of Craniosacral therapy are numerous. By restoring balance to the craniosacral system, Craniosacral therapy can alleviate a wide range of conditions, from chronic pain and stress to migraines, neurological disorders, and increased overall well-being.

Prescribe Medications

Certified Osteopathic Doctors are able to administer prescribed medications for migraines to help provide relief to patients. First-line medications have been established as effective based on clinical evidence. These medications can help prevent migraines or reduce their frequency and severity. In addition to this, newer medicines have also been approved for the treatment of migraines. Osteopathic Doctors may consider prescribing these newer medications based on the individual needs and response of each patient.

Osteopathic Doctors, with their comprehensive understanding of the musculoskeletal system and holistic approach to healthcare, are well-equipped to assess the individual needs of migraine sufferers and prescribe appropriate medications. By taking into account the patient’s medical history, lifestyle factors, and potential drug interactions, Osteopathic Doctors ensure a personalized and safe treatment plan. With the guidance and expertise, individuals can find relief from migraines and headaches to improve their overall quality of life.

Manipulative Therapy

Manipulative therapy is a cornerstone of osteopathic treatment for migraines and headaches. It involves the skilled manipulation of joints, muscles, and tissues to restore balance and alleviate pain. The primary objective of manipulative therapy is to improve the function of the musculoskeletal system, which can contribute to migraines and headaches.

During manipulative therapy, an osteopathic physician (DO) will use various techniques such as spinal manipulation, joint mobilization, and muscle stretching to address any musculoskeletal imbalances. By restoring proper alignment and movement, tension and stress on the surrounding tissues are reduced, thus relieving migraines and headaches.

Myofascial Release

Myofascial release is another effective osteopathic treatment option for migraines and headaches. It focuses on releasing tension and restrictions in the fascia, a connective tissue that surrounds and supports muscles, bones, and organs. When the fascia becomes tight or restricted, it can contribute to migraines and headaches.

During a myofascial release session, the osteopathic physician will use gentle and sustained pressure on specific areas of the body to release tension and restore proper fascial mobility. This technique helps to improve circulation, reduce pain, and promote overall relaxation. By addressing fascial restrictions, myofascial release can provide significant relief for individuals suffering from migraines and headaches.

Soft Tissue Massage

Soft tissue massage is a widely recognized and utilized osteopathic treatment option for migraines and headaches. It involves manual manipulation of the soft tissues, including muscles, tendons, and ligaments. The aim of soft tissue massage is to reduce muscle tension, improve blood flow, and promote relaxation.

During a soft tissue massage session, the osteopathic physician will use various techniques such as kneading, stroking, and compressions to target specific areas of tension and discomfort. This helps to relax the areas of discomfort.

Dr Emmy

Durango Osteopathic Care, PC

Phone/text: 970-828-6500